• 13 December 2018, Thursday
  • Limassol, Crowne Plaza Hotel

ALGO Cyprus 2018

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Другие события организатора

2232 дня назад
13 December 2018 c 13:30 до 19:00
Crowne Plaza Hotel

We invite you to take part in the Algorithmic Trading Conference, which will be held on December, 13th at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Limassol, Cyprus.

The main purpose of the Conference is creating unique space for information and news exchange between market participants and providing an opportunity to communicate in informal atmosphere with IT experts. Moreover, we will discuss legal and tax aspects of doing business, infrastructure and business environment in Cyprus.

We invite to take part in the Conference all interested persons: algorithmic traders, portfolio managers, funds representatives, brokers, investors, IT software developers, stock exchanges.

Please note that registrations for conference are limited and will have to be made to be advance.


The preliminary program:

13.30 Welcome coffee and registration

14.00 Greeting

Victoria Diyakova, DEREX

Timofey Martynov, sMart-Lab

14.10 Renat Fatkhullin, MetaQuotes

14.40 Setting-up an Investment Fund in Cyprus: advantages and prospects

Angelos G. Paphitis, AGP & Co Law firm

15.10 Trends and prospects of algorithmic trading

Ivan Samokhin, BCS Global Markets

15.40 Networking

16.00 Risk management and capital allocation among variety of strategies

Alexey Afanasievskiy, Finartel Capital

16.30 Trade assessment metrics.  Validation of sample. Personal savings.

Alex Butmanov, DTI Algorithmic

17.00 Networking

17.20 Algorithmic volatility trading. New features and implementation. Trading practices and results.

Sergey Eliseev, Option-lab

17.40 Value added data products

Andrei Alekseev, Moscow Exchange

18.00 Cocktail. Networking





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